Transform The Look Of Your Bathroom
With Our Quality Bathroom Resurfacing Services Across Brisbane
We can resurface almost any type of ceramic surface, wall tiles, floor tiles and grout showers, countertops, sinks and most types of fiberglass showers and tubs.
All surfaces need to be prepared through either an acid etch for ceramic tiles or porcelain baths. A good sandpaper is required to etch the surface for fibreglass or laminated surfaces.
Every step is taken to ensure that the surrounding area is protected. Floors, counters and walls are covered with a mask and film plastic. A ventilating system is then installed in the bathroom to remove odours and dust from the area while the work is in progress.
Yes, we cut away all the old existing silicon as this is the only way to resurface a bath/shower or sink properly. Then we conduct a re-silicon process. Some resurfacing companies resurface over the existing silicon, which is not professional. Or they will leave it to the homeowner to do.
Resurfacing will typically take around 4-5 hours.
It will take up to 6 days to resurface the entire bathroom (walls, floor, bath/shower tray and vanity unit).
If properly cared for, the bath will last more than ten years.
Clear the bathroom of shampoo – bottles and all the bath – articles, i.e. soap, towels, etc.
New paint around a bath can come off very easily with masking tape and masking film. Even old paint can be pulled off with the masking film. So painting is best done afterwards.
Sorry, we don’t deal with actual porcelain. Porcelain enamel of ceramics would require a minimum of 1500 degrees of heat and a big kiln, which is impossible in someone’s bathroom.
(Age and condition permitting) Yes, we can remove old fittings and fixtures.
Removing the shower screens allows the shower tray or bathtub to be thoroughly prepared and resurfaced. In almost all cases, we recommend removing and replacing shower doors by a professional shower screen company. The shower screen can then be remounted after 24 hours on a clean hard surface.
Our standard colour is brilliant white, which is 98% high gloss. But we also have an array of colours available to match any bath’s existing fixtures. (Note: Colour tints add an additional cost)
The removal of the bathtub causes damage to the tiles on floors and walls. This removal requires plumbing disconnections and the removal of taps and drains. Replacement of tiles and fixtures and a new bathtub to be installed is a significant expense, i.e. around $1,500 to $2,000.
Also, this replacement procedure may annoy you while workers track dirt and dust through your home, and you have to manage without a bathroom until the replacement procedure is over.
Once your bath has been resurfaced and the silicon seal has been laid on, we recommend that you leave the bath overnight.
We recommend not using abrasive cream cleaners such as Ajax, Jif or Gumption (i.e. don’t use any abrasive cream cleaner). They dull the surface and will eventually affect the structure, causing it to fail. Most liquid cleaners are acceptable.
We recommend getting your bathroom retiled before the resurfacing starts because the tiling procedure may damage the new surface. It’s not that we can’t repair the damage, but that is just an unnecessary additional expense for the customer. We strongly recommend you get any such work done before resurfacing.
It is not necessary to remove your taps or waste to have your bath resurfaced. If you want to renew your taps or waste, it is best to do so before resurfacing.
Our mobile team can take care of your resurfacing requirements in and around Brisbane, wherever it might be, and they can also complete your bathroom resurfacing at a reasonable cost. Instead of replacing your entire bath, benchtop, vanity, shower or bathroom with a full renovation, rather consider our services to get your amenities back to their former glory. Your bathroom resurfacing shouldn’t cost a fortune, so why not have us do it for you?
Expert Bathroom Resurfacing across Brisbane, QLD
Mark’s in Your Bath for quality wall and floor tile resurfacing. We’ve been providing exceptional bath-resurfacing services since 2009 across Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast regions in South-East Queensland.
Transform The Look Of Your Bathroom
With Our Quality Bathroom Resurfacing Services Across Brisbane